Uploading to Printer
I'm uploading my files to my printer today for Orphan of the Fallen. Each step in the publishing process takes time, patience, and a dose of excitement. I can't wait for readers to experience the next book. There are things I love about my new characters (and a few things I hate about them, too).
As I'm writing this, I'm waiting for my cover and internal pages uploads to finish so that I can preview the final product. Watching the spinning ball of doom (please wait....) takes the patience. I want to see it all put together rightawayasinthismoment. Unfortunately, it could take quite a bit of time to finish uploading. The good news is, you will be one step closer to reading the novel once the upload is done.
Release date is October 15. It's a huge weekend for me. I'm releasing a book on Friday, managing a music festival on Saturday, and filling in as a church pianist on Sunday. Hopefully, there will be some book sales and time for champagne that weekend, too.